By my early twenties, I had experienced a tremendous amount of loss, deaths, and trauma – as most of us do in this life. But at the age of 25, I experienced the passing of someone very dear to me, someone I believed could only grow in magnificence and influence: my boyfriend Jim’s sister, Michelle. She passed tragically and unexpectedly, leaving in her wake shock and grief as only a young person leaving this life can do. Jim and I had lived together with Michelle and her family (including her three small children) for some time in Vermont. Michelle and I shared a bond of interest in spirituality, attended Unity Church events and classes for a short time, and found in each other a “kindred spirit.”
In the early 1990s, society had “New Age” and “Metaphysical” bookstores and Unity churches. Still, in my awareness, I knew of spirituality only through yoga classes and in the esoteric community of my Waldorf Schools and Anthroposophy upbringing. I had had many spiritual experiences in my young life, but the word “mediumship,” or even the certainty of Souls being infinite, wasn’t yet in my reality. I did believe in reincarnation – had my whole life, but I truly wasn’t certain – as I had yet to experience the Soul continuing after physical life.
In the days following Michelle’s tragic death, I experienced her Soul, was given a gift of utmost grace of having the veil between this physical world and the spiritual world lifted, and the gift of her opening this doorway, speaking to me, and allowing me to experience where she was: in the spiritual world. I experienced – felt, knew, saw – a world of Light – everything was light, in it, surrounding it, the air, every creature, object, myself – all completely made of Light – and a sense of Oneness, belonging, unconditional Love. I heard and felt Michelle, and she said, “Tell them I am still alive,” meaning her family deeply grieving her passing.
She continued to visit me over the following year – both in dreams and in Soul to Soul communication – she gave evidence, encouragement, and insights. Her death rocked all of our worlds, and in a sense, her death was a wake-up call for me, yet I did not know how to channel all the feelings it woke in me, and this created a rift and eventual separation with her brother Jim and I, and sadly, we broke up.
Furthermore, I felt unable to cope with not being believed about this communication with her and not finding others who knew or experienced Mediumship. I did not yet know about Arthur Findley College in England or the Lily Dale Spiritualist community in PA.
So pushed these experiences underground that I had had communicating with Michelle until unexpected and surprising experiences began again after two decades of trying to appear “normal.”
I began working as a nurse in end-of-life care, then became a mother, and then focused on Hospice nursing, all in the course of a few years when increasingly undeniable and insistent communication with patients’ loved ones—both theirs and my own—could no longer be ignored. So, I sought out and now study with mentors, learning many aspects of spiritual awareness, including Mediumship.
This has been an exquisite journey of transformation and healing. While more challenging and transformative than I could have imagined, and while I initially came to it reluctantly, I am humbled and grateful to be walking this path.
Of course, the experience of first communicating with Michelle was life-changing—it was the beginning of my spiritual awakening. It shattered all beliefs that this life and world are solid—they are anything but. It shattered ideas that we are merely physical beings with a mind attached to a brain that ends at death.
I wrote about this beautiful experience of visiting the spiritual world and communicating with Michelle in a short story and submitted it to the call for Mediumship stories by Suzanne Giesemann for her new book, Mediumship: Sacred Communications with Loved Ones from Across the Veil, published by Sacred Stories Publishing. This story was accepted.
"Suzanne Giesmann offers us a treasure beyond description if one has been looking for absolute clarity about life and death and how we can experience the here-and-now presence of loved ones who have gone before."
— Neale Donald Walsch, NY Times bestselling author of Conversations with God and GodTalk
OMG! Wait till you hear these 12 stories of afterlife connections from contributors of Suzanne's new book MEDIUMSHIP: Sacred Communications with Loved Ones from Across the Veil. Suzanne does something she has NEVER done before, inviting these guests to answer questions about their stories of connection across the veil and how they KNOW that LOVE NEVER DIES!
Renowned spiritual teacher Suzanne Giesemann reads her new book MEDIUMSHIP:Sacred Communications with Loved Ones from Across the Veil. She wants you to know that your loved ones in spirit are still right here and want to communicate with you. Be surprised and delighted by some of the creative ways they use! Whether you are a professional medium, want to connect with your loved ones in spirit, or are simply curious how non-physical interactions take place, consider this your guide to the spirit world.
Suzanne Giesemann is a teacher of personal transformation, an author, and a medium who has been recognized on the Watkins’ list of the 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People. A former Navy Commander with a master’s degree in National Security Affairs, she served as a commanding officer and aide to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. She now shares The Awakened Way®, a path to living a consciously connected and divinely guided life.